No matter whether the need is business or personal, the rental of a limousine is often a wonderful way of making just the right statement, while leaving a lasting impression.
Limousine Rental is a transportation service that provides a vehicle and professional driver to move passengers from one location to another.
While considering a limousine can seem to be a daunting task, it isn’t hard if you know a bit about what is offered. So, what is the best limousine service in Scottsdale, and how do I choose which limo company to use?
What Are Some of the Reasons a Limo Might be Needed?
Renting a limo is not just about providing transportation for corporate VIPs anymore. More and more, people are hiring a driver and a vehicle for almost every kind of occasion. Below is a list of just some of the events a limo might be used for.
Romance is always a great reason for the rental of a limousine. A wedding or anniversary is a very special event that is forever etched in the memory and a limo service can make these moments even more remarkable. A limousine can safely and quickly transport guests so that no one ends up missing a minute of the joy of the wedding celebration.
When romance is in the air, a limo can enhance the feeling. Driving to and from a restaurant for an anniversary dinner can mean that both husband and wife are free to completely enjoy the ambiance of the evening. Commemorating the special day with a ride in a limousine can solidify the love both feel by making a statement as to its importance and permanence. -
Limousines have often been used for corporate events and conventions so that all participants can be transported to and from events safely. A limousine can also be very useful when coordinating sight-seeing tours, such as those offered at
If the convention uses various hotels, a limousine or charter bus can make the rounds insuring every delegate gets to and from the convention site with a minimum of fuss. Companies like Scottsdale Sedan and Limo can offer a variety of options for both charter buses and regular limousine service. -
If you think that a Bachelor/Bachelorette party is the only reason for a limousine, you would be wrong. A limo is often used for fun evenings, by paying a hired driver and vehicle to make sure everyone has a good time and makes it home without incident. Why take the chance on someone drinking excessively and then getting behind the wheel? (Every year, over 10,000 people are killed by drunk drivers according to the NHTSA.) A limousine is a great way of solving this potential issue. -
In the life of a teenager, a prom event is very important, but it is also a night many teens choose to drink alcohol. Because there is an increased risk of drunk driving by teens on these kinds of nights, a limo rental can keep your child from being involved in a situation that might change their future forever. -
Fighting traffic in and out of concerts, sporting events, and other venues can be frustrating and sometimes dangerous. A limo can prevent the hassle of having to leave early by dropping and picking up a group right next to the door. A limo might be perfect for an event at the Heard Museum, which houses a wonderful collection of Native American Art, for example. -
Driving to and from an airport can be intimidating, particularly for someone who isn’t from your city. Limousine services such as Scottsdale Mountain Limo can transport clients to and from the Scottsdale Airport with ease.
What Do I Need to Consider Before I Rent a Limo or a Bus?
The first thing to consider is the quantity or number of people who need to be transported. Generally, an executive coach bus can haul anywhere from 30 – 56 people, and a limo can handle 8-12. There are a variety of options for any number in between. For example, Arizona Sedan and Limo Service or North Scottsdale Limousine have numerous vehicles available for whatever type of transportation be needed.
A second item is to plan is the itinerary of where you wish to go. You need to plan for transportation to the convention or wedding site, and back to the hotel. But don’t forget that there are a variety of tour packages that can be arranged when renting a bus or limo. Whether it is a sightseeing trip to the Grand Canyon or a simple tour of Old Town located in the heart of Scottsdale, the folks at can put it together for you. An additional sightseeing trip can make the event memorable and are in most cases, very reasonably priced.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Limousine Rental in Scottsdale
How Much Does a Limo Cost?
Most transportation companies charge an hourly rate, with a certain number of hours (3-5) billed as a minimum. In addition, the cost will depend on the size of the vehicle needed. Please note that rates may vary depending on the day and date the vehicle is needed.
Do Limousine Services Have a Rating System?
Like every other business, Limo services are rated on the Internet and through various applications such as Yelp and Google. There are sites specifically designed to match the best professional companies with your need like
Should I Plan the Route Before the Event?
Many companies are willing to consider alternate destinations within reason, but it is always a good idea to discuss your plans with the company before booking the limo.
What Type of License is Needed to be a Driver?
All Limousine drivers are required to have CDL (Commercial Drivers License) per Federal Regulations when transporting 16 passengers or more. Most states including Arizona require individuals to have a special Chauffeur’s license when transporting individuals in a limousine. Most limo companies also require drivers to take their in-house training programs.
How Do I Book a Limousine?
Generally, you simply need to call the company and make a reservation for the time and destination you wish to be transported to. You will need to discuss the size and type of vehicle required and whether you wish to have any additional amenities like food or beverages are required. Be clear about the rates and charges before booking the limousine.
What Should I Do if I Want to Book or Have Questions?
Feel free to contact a rental company that specializes in limo rental in Scottsdale AZ and representatives of the company can answer any questions you have. Companies like Zero Limo can tailor make packages for every size and budget in multiple cities and destinations.